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Reconnecting Data to Purpose

CCC were retendering for their Parks Maintenance contract and as part of that process were taking the opportunity to manage the integration between the Asset Management system and their GIS. The resulting review documentation for the process had become cumbersome, with many opinions being presented about the change.


On reviewing the progress, it became clear that the purpose for which data was being collected had been forgotten. Reconnecting data to purpose would ensure that any data collection in the field was tied to business need and the generation of value.


With this aim in mind, I modelled the connection between data collection and business value; this considered the cost of collecting, storing and maintaining data as it was enabled for use in decision making and operations within Council.


Using this process, I quickly identified a 6-figure sum of savings to the business in terms of the cost of the data integration exercise and also showed how the process could be completed within the required timeframe to align this delivery with the re-tender process.

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Modern Day Census

As part of the conversation about a modern census, Statistics NZ wanted to ensure that the definition of Dwelling was well understood so that the requirements for collecting this information were captured accurately.


Dwelling links to address as a many to one, or many to many relationship, so if a census was to be collected digitally, it was critcal to ensure all dwellings were considered on census day.


I facilitated workshops through the business to capture the requirements for address and dwelling and presented this work back to the business and other stakeholders as part of the review process. 


The outcome was a fully defined set of business requirements for address and the opportunity to have robust conversations with contributing individuals and organisations to accelerate the business towards a modern census.



Understanding the Complexity of Government

TEC were engaged in a cross-agency conversation within the NZ Government Education about the complexity for the citizen in dealing with the sector to obtain funding for further education.


I facilitated 3 workshops with members from TEC, the Ministry of Education and NZ Qualifications Agency to document, using Information Flow Modelling, the citizen journey to achieve funding.


The result was a visual representation of the process, showing the duplicate data and information requests from a variety of government departments needed to process funding.


This story has been told through government, highlighting the opportunity that exists to simplify processes and provide proactive services that meet the needs of the citizen.



The Cost of Delay

Vocus were looking to remove bottlenecks from their service on-boarding process. Rather than taking a Business Process Modelling approach, the focus on data and information was acknowledgement that this was where insight into the bottlenecks would come from; the creation of data about the customer request and the information requested from customers and how quickly that could be returned to the business.


The view provided by the Information Flow Model enabled the change team to prove to the business that current methods for interacting with the customer, including multiple ways of creating an order, to requests for more information from customers to be able to complete quotes was adding significant time to order completion.


Changes to the process were able to be prioritised based on the value delivered to the business and implemented as a matter of priority due to evidence supporting the need.

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WOW Cable & Internet

Creating efficiency and effectiveness

WOW! Internet & Cable were aware that their high growth product, Hosted VoIP could be performing better than it was, but the business process modelling wasn't helping to identify the opportunity for and impact of change.


I worked with the WOW Leadership team to model the Hosted VoIP process from customer aquisition to customer bill and everything in between.


Over 2 half days, we modelled the process and used LINQs Instant Insights to help target the conversation about change. A key metric to protect was customer satisfaction which was being impacted by the number of customer contacts through the process.


By identifying the upstream activity which caused customer contact, the process was able to be altered to dramatically reduce the number of times the customer was contacted about their order. Other changes included optimising the quoting process as well as the initial identification of serivce areas to avoid processing requests which were unable to be fulfilled.

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